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Performance Measurement

Company: Beacon Group

QWE Practice Guideline: 120: Create a work culture that enhances productivity through performance measurement and business development

Guideline Numbers: 120
Topics: Performance, Business Improvement
City, State: Tucson, AZ


Company: Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Inclusion
A framework to help companies create disability-inclusive workplace cultures
Guideline Numbers: 120
Topics: Employment, Inclusion, Upward Mobility
City, State: Ithaca, NY

Employee Handbooks

Company: Beacon Group
Beacon Group serves individuals with a wide variety of disabilities at varying cognitive levels and serves a population that is 40 percent Hispanic.
Guideline Numbers: 120
Topics: Accessibility, Human Resources, Inclusive
City, State: Tucson, AZ

Modular Arrangement of Predetermined Time Standards (MODAPTS)

Company: ECVC
Implement the MODAPTS process into production work to ensure maximum productivity and efficiency.
Guideline Numbers: 120
Topics: Accommodations, Productivity, Efficiency, Time Study
City, State: Greenville, NC