
QWE Practice Guideline: 120 – Create a work culture that enhances productivity through performance measurement and business development.

Target group: Any organization employing and/or supporting individuals with disabilities

Practice Description

A framework to help companies create disability-inclusive workplace cultures

Resources Needed

Subject matter experts/trainers

  • Staff or consultant with knowledge and experience in workplace cultures, diversity, inclusion, and employee dynamics


  • Computer and internet access

Labor hours

  • Time for staff to complete training, put the program and related activities into place, and maintain those activities.

Implementation Process


  • The Inclusion@Work framework utilizes 7 core elements and does not need to be followed in order
    • Lead the Way – inclusive business culture
    • Build the Pipeline – outreach and recruitment
    • Hire and Keep the Best – talent acquisition and retention processes
    • Ensure Productivity – reasonable accommodations
    • Communicate – company policies and practices
    • Be Tech Savvy – accessible information and communication technology
    • Measure Success – accountability and self-identification
    • Resources - disability and employment related resources
  • Each element focuses on an important businesses process that accounts for the culture, people, and growth affected by the processes
  • Each element includes a training video and outlines important steps for a company to take to implement the element successfully
    • Related documents and resources are also provided, like a Discussion Guide
  • The program is free and available to anyone interested in building an inclusive workplace
  • The program can be completed online anytime and at the employees pace
  • Additional information and documentation can be found here.


  • SOPs
    • Policies and procedures for implementing and monitoring the Inclusion@Work elements
  • Training
    • Staff training on implementing and monitoring the elements



  • Increased morale
  • Increased productivity
  • Increased opportunities for upward mobility


  • Improved culture
  • Meet requirements of Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act
  • Increased access to potential employees
  • Increased retention

NPA: Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Inclusion
Location: Ithaca, NY
Date Submitted: 2022

Resources: Quality Work Environment Workbook