Non-Traditional Funding

QWE Practice Guideline: 120: Create a work culture that enhances productivity through performance measurement and business development

Target group: Any organization supporting the employment of individuals with disabilities

Practice Description

People with significant disabilities often are ineligible for traditional funding sources for employment training and programs. PARC has identified two resources to supply non-traditional funding for job supports.

Resources Needed

Subject matter experts/trainers

  • Staff with knowledge of the different funding sources and processes to use them

Implementation Process

  • People with significant disabilities often are ineligible for traditional funding sources for employment training and programs. 
  • PARC has identified two resources to supply non-traditional funding for job supports: 
    • Supplementary job coaching through a special United Way grant gives AbilityOne® employees needed re-training and renewed encouragement to perform to the set standard.
    • The Employment of Choice program sponsored 18 individuals with developmental disabilities who otherwise would be homebound for one day a week for a year.

NPA: Pioneer Adult Rehabilitation Center (PARC)
Location: Clearfield, UT
Date Submitted: 2013

Resources: Quality Work Environment Workbook