Modular Arrangement of Predetermined Time Standards (MODAPTS)

QWE Practice Guideline: 120: Create a work culture that enhances productivity through performance measurement and business development.

Target group: All organizations that employ persons with disabilities in a manufacturing or service environment.

Practice Description

Implement the MODAPTS process into production work to ensure maximum productivity and efficiency.

Resources Needed

Understanding of the MODAPTS model

Subject matter experts/trainers

  • Staff member trained in use of process or consultant.


  • Training and implementation budget.
  • QWE Grant funding up to $7500 is applicable to this practice.

Implementation Process

  • Implementation of the MODAPTS model aiding in accurately and effectively measure productivity on a products contract. MODAPTS aids in determining reasonable expectations for the time required to complete a defined task by a typical operator.
  • Used MODAPTS to determine:
    • Methods that are most efficient for performing each assembly, packaging, and material handling task.
    • The most suitable layout and location of each workstation to maximize throughput per square foot of floor space and allow each person to work at their personal pace.
    • Equipment and fixtures that are best suited for each task.
    • The fair standard amount of time allowed to complete each task.

Location: Greenville, NC
Date Submitted: 2011

Resources: Quality Work Environment Workbook