SMART Work Activities

QWE Practice Guideline: 120: Create a work culture that enhances productivity through performance measurement and business development

Target group: Any organization supporting or employing individuals with disabilities

Practice Description

Staff are trained on developing SMART goals to improve their development, performance, and success in the workplace

Resources Needed

Subject matter experts/trainers

  • Staff or consultant with training and SMART goal expertise

Labor hours

  • Time for staff to implement and manage SMART training

Implementation Process


  • SMART goal training sessions were developed and delivered to staff at every level of the organization
  • Training sessions covered the
    • Concept of SMART goals
    • Ways SMART goals can be utilized, including employee evaluations
    • How to incorporate the organization’s core values
    • Understand how SMART goals advance the organization’s mission
  • A leadership training series includes further discussion of SMART goal development


  • SOPs
    • Polices and procedures to outline SMART goal training and program


  • Full practice accessible via CARF

NPA: The Arc of Bristol County
Location: Attleboro, MA
Date Submitted: Submitted by The Arc of Bristol County to the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) Employment and Community Services Promising Practices Newsletter.

Resources: Quality Work Environment Workbook