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New Employee Orientation

Company: Goodwill of Central Indiana
Goodwill of Central Indiana provides a 5 ½ day program for new employee orientation.
Guideline Numbers: 223
Topics: Orientation, Training, Skill Development
City, State: Indianapolis, IN

In-House Mail Management Professional

Company: In-Plant Printing and Mailing Association
The Certified Mail Manager certification from In-Plant Printing and Mailing Association is recognized as the standard of proficiency for the in-house mail management profession. This certification encourages professional growth and the attainment of technical and managerial knowledge.
Guideline Numbers: 223
Topics: Certification, Employment, Upward Mobility
City, State: Kearney, MO

Snacks to You

Company: Vocation Plus

QWE Practice Guideline: 231: Develop diverse business opportunities that allow employees to have choice and options

Guideline Numbers: 231
Topics: Food Service, Community, Skill Development, Partnership
City, State: Fresno, CA

Employment First Initiative

Company: Office of Disability Employment Policy
A systems-change framework focused on the capability of individuals with disabilities to participate in competitive integrated employment
Guideline Numbers: 232
Topics: Employment, Upward Mobility
City, State: Washington, DC