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Aktion Club

Company: Beacon Group
An Aktion Club is a type of Kiwanis Club and has the same service mission. An Aktion Club is distinguished from a Kiwanis Club by its membership, which is comprised primarily of adults with disabilities.
Guideline Numbers: 310
Topics: Socialization, Community, Leadership
City, State: Tucson, AZ

Community Involvement

Company: Pioneer Adult Rehabilitation Center (PARC)
PARC has a long history of community involvement that crosses city, county, and state lines; it regularly reaches the nation's capital as its chief executive officer is deeply involved with SourceAmerica®, AbilityOne® and the NCWC.
Guideline Numbers: 310
Topics: Community, Partnership, Socialization
City, State: Clearfield, UT

Community Meeting Room

Company: Beacon Group
Beacon Group has a very large multi-purpose meeting room that the organization uses only periodically, so it has made this room available to community groups at no cost.
Guideline Numbers: 310
Topics: Community, Outreach, Relationships
City, State: Tucson, AZ

Transition Services - Community Partnerships

Company: Beacon Group

QWE Practice Guideline: 310: Partner with organizations and peers in the local community

Guideline Numbers: 310
Topics: Community, Transition
City, State: Tucson, AZ