Employment First Initiative

QWE Practice Guideline: 232 – Provide job placement and other services that create opportunities inside and outside of the organization

Target group: Any organization employing and/or supporting individuals with disabilities

Practice Description

A systems-change framework focused on the capability of individuals with disabilities to participate in competitive integrated employment

Resources Needed

Subject matter experts/trainers

  • Consultant or staff with knowledge of competitive integrated employment


  • Computer and internet access

Labor hours

  • Time for staff to complete related activities

Implementation Process


  • Read and understand the Office of Disability Employment Policy’s Employment First Initiative
  • Assess policies and programs related to competitive integrated employment
    • Capacity Building
    • Provider Transformation
    • School-to-Work Transition
    • Employer Engagement
    • Policy/Funding Alignment
  • Determine areas for growth and improvement
  • Assess local community for organizations to collaborate and partner with
  • Join the Employment First Community of Practice
  • Attend Community of Practice Webinars focused on the following topics
    • Advancing Competitive Integrated Employment
    • Employment Strategies
    • Financial Literacy
    • Funding and Rate Alignment
    • Supporting People with Mental Health Conditions
    • Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
  • Additional information can be obtained here.


  • SOPs
    • Policies and procedures on use of the initiative and associated activities
  • Training
    • Ensure staff know how to access resources offered through the initiative



  • Increased access to community resources
  • Improved employment services


  • Increased knowledge of competitive integrated employment
  • Increased access to resources and support

NPA: Office of Disability Employment Policy
Location: Washington, DC
Date Submitted: 2022
Website: https://www.dol.gov/

Resources: Quality Work Environment Workbook