5 Fun Facts about AbilityOne

By Karen Stecher 10/14/2021
Five Fun Facts about AbilityOne

SourceAmerica® is proud to work with the AbilityOne® Program – one of the nation’s largest sources of employment for people who are blind or have significant disabilities. In addition to providing job opportunities, it also supports the manufacture and delivery of products and services to the Federal government. Check out these five fun facts about AbilityOne! 

  1. U.S. AbilityOne Commission® members are presidential appointees. Fifteen Presidential appointee members, eleven of whom represent government agencies, vote on Procurement List additions. The remaining four members are private citizens knowledgeable about the employment problems of people who are blind or have significant disabilities, including those employed by nonprofit agencies affiliated with the AbilityOne Program. BONUS: Learn more about the Procurement List! 
  2. Countless lives are touched by AbilityOne. There are more than 42,000 AbilityOne employees. By providing people with disabilities meaningful employment opportunities, AbilityOne has a positive ripple effect on their families, communities, and the U.S. workforce.  
  3. Two central nonprofit agencies play key roles in the AbilityOne Program. The Javits-Wagner-O’Day Act directs the Commission to designate a central nonprofit agency or agencies to facilitate the distribution of government orders of Procurement List products and services among nonprofit agencies employing people who are blind or have significant disabilities. The Commission has designated National Industries for the Blind (NIB) and SourceAmerica as the national nonprofits to perform this function and assist other nonprofits with participation in the AbilityOne Program. 
  4. AbilityOne is green! The AbilityOne Program embarked on initiatives designed to ensure that, to the highest degree possible, products and services meet the environmentally desirable criteria, qualities, and attributes that customers demand. For the AbilityOne Program, the Federal environmental initiative is yet another vehicle to create and maintain jobs for individuals who are blind or have severe disabilities!  
  5. AbilityOne supports small businesses. AbilityOne nonprofit agencies subcontract and partner with small businesses. A survey of 48% of the Program’s largest agencies found that, among that group, 25% of subcontract dollars or $217 million was awarded to small businesses. Additionally, approximately 250 small businesses are part of the AbilityOne Program’s commercial distribution network! 

Learn more about the AbilityOne Program. Visit abilityone.gov today! 

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