Supervisory Skills Training

QWE Practice Guideline: 161 Develop skills of supervisors and management staff

Target group: All organizations that employ persons with disabilities

Practice Description

Effective Supervisory Skills is a two-day training for current and prospective supervisors.  This training encompasses all aspects of supervision including but not limited to: understanding people, staff needs, recognizing staff, motivational strategies, dealing with subordinates as people, dealing with superiors as people, cultural awareness, and how supervisors affect the work environment.

Resources Needed

Subject matter experts/trainers

  • Curriculum Developer
  • Trainer – staff or consultant


  • Utilized grant from Department of Labor.
  • QWE Grant funding up to $7500 is applicable to this practice.

Implementation Process

Two-day training curriculum consists of seven modules.  Each module is organized and presented in a binder that class participants keep. The seven modules that are covered over two days are:

  • Introduction and Welcome
  • Linking Elements Model and Leadership: traits, style, approach, problem solving, decision making, delegating, style limitations
  • Communication:  attire, general communication, barriers, body language, speaking skills, feedback, misunderstanding, listening, professionalism
  • Quality of Work Life: understanding people, staff needs, how supervisors affect the work environment, knowing your staff and their skills, problems of emotions, one-minute manager, dealing with people
  • Direction: rules, policy, giving instructions and orders, ABC's of getting things done, building cooperation
  • Technical Competence: personal relationship, verbal instruction, on the job training, experience



  • Prepared key staff members for promotional opportunities.
  • Equipped current staff with essential tools to be effective in their role as supervisors working with employees with disabilities.
  • Increased quality of relationships between supervisors and employees with disabilities.


  • Resulted in an increase in quality of evaluations and performance agreements.
  • Resulted in higher quality of hiring procedures.


NPA: Access: Supports for Living
Location: Middletown, NY
Date Submitted: 2011

Resources: Quality Work Environment Workbook