Safety Incentive Program

QWE Practice Guideline: 140: Enhance productivity and wages through both monetary and non-monetary incentives

Target group: Any organization employing individuals with disabilities

Practice Description

Provide incentives to employees who work three or more years without a work accident.

Resources Needed

Subject matter experts/trainers

  • Human resource and finance staff to manage tracking and disbursement of incentives


  • Award documents
  • Space for presenting awards

Implementation Process


  • Individual employee awards are based on the associated years of service without a work accident. The following are earned at the specified years of service:
    • 3 years – ball cap
    • 5 years – polo shirt
    • 10 years – jacket
    • 15 years – restaurant or movie gift card
    • 20 years – restaurant or movie gift card
  • Group awards can also be obtained when a department is accident free for 6 months. The award is cash and based on the number of people in the department. The department staff decide as a group how to spend or allocate the cash.
  • Individual and group awards are presented at a company event and publicized in the company newsletter.
  • Safety awards apply to all company employees.

NPA: Work Services Corporation
Location: Wichita Falls, TX
Date Submitted: 2011

Resources: Quality Work Environment Workbook