Personal Accomplishment Award

QWE Practice Guideline: 140: Enhance productivity and wages through both monetary and non-monetary incentives

Target group: Any organization employing individuals with disabilities

Practice Description

The ServiceSource Personal Accomplishment Award program was implemented to allow employees with disabilities to establish and achieve a personal goal.

Resources Needed

Subject matter experts/trainers

  • Human resource and/or supervisory staff to manage program

Implementation Process

  • The ServiceSource Personal Accomplishment Award program was implemented to allow employees with disabilities to establish and achieve a personal goal.
  • The goal focuses on home or personal growth and not something related directly to the workplace. 
  • The goal is intended to be achievable but should constitute a new accomplishment requiring effort by the individual to better themselves or a certain situation.
  • The participant and members of their support team collaborate to create the goal. 
  • ServiceSource staff offer encouragement and monitor progress throughout the year. 
  • The length of time set to achieve the goal will vary but is typically within a one-year period. 
  • When completed successfully, the participant may be awarded up to $200. 
    • Examples of Personal Accomplishment Award goals that have been completed include losing weight, learning to prepare a meal, creating a budgeting system, saving a certain amount of money, and completing courses through various educational entities. 

NPA: ServiceSource
Location: Alexandria, VA
Date Submitted: 2011

Resources: Quality Work Environment Workbook