Nation-wide Financial Literacy Training

QWE Practice Guideline: 300: Collaborate and link with community resources

Target group: All employees

Practice Description

Global Connections to Employment, Inc. (GCE) has created a series of on-site financial literacy trainings through their partnership with Regions Bank and Navy Federal Credit Union.

Resources Needed

Subject matter experts/trainers

  • Financial experts
  • Relationship with local and/or regional financial institution


  • GCE was able to take advantage of Regions Bank and Navy Federal Credit Union’s commitment to provide free financial literacy information to their communities.

Implementation Process

  • GCE, in partnership with Regions and Navy Federal, have developed a six series lunch and learn program at GCE work locations throughout the United States. 
    • Sessions are one hour each and span over six consecutive months.
    • Lunch is provided to employees for each training and the sessions are open to all interested GCE employees.
    • GCE has worked with the financial institutions to modify available training materials to fit the learning styles of their employees. 
    • Junior level training and testing materials are modified to suit the learning styles of employees with the greatest need.
    • Advanced materials are also available for employees with more advanced learning styles. Typically, employees in the IT and PILS groups at GCE utilize advanced materials.
    • Pre and post tests are administered to evaluate the effectiveness of the training program and ensure individuals have acquired the skills they need.
  • GCE employees are informed and armed with skills that help to increase financial stability in several areas:
    • Checking and savings accounts
    • Proper debit card utilization
    • Debt to income ratios 
    • Budgeting
    • Fraud - what to look for and what to do 
    • Savings 
    • Investment
    • Retirement
    • Loans/lending issues
    • Car buying - what to do and not to do
    • Home buying - what to do and not to do


  • Employees are more knowledgeable about their financial outlooks.
  • After completing the pilot program at NAS Pensacola in 2019, GCE is expanding the program to 16 states and the District of Columbia. Locations include Lorton and Clarendon VA, MacDill AFB in Tampa FL, Seaside and Monterey CA, Gulfport MS - Armed Forces Retirement Home, and Gulf Breeze Hospital EVS. GCE will continue to expand the program through 2020 and into 2021.

NPA: Global Connections to Employment, Inc.
Location: Pensacola, FL
Date Submitted: 2020

Resources: Quality Work Environment Workbook