Marketing Employment Services

QWE Practice Guideline: 122: Use a business development approach that balances revenue, job creation, and pay potential

Target group: Any organization employing and/or supporting individuals with disabilities.

Practice Description

Flat screen televisions with PowerPoint's of individuals at their jobs in the community are placed in the front reception area and lunchrooms of both of ODC’s facilities.

Resources Needed

Subject matter experts/trainers

  • Staff or third-party with knowledge of installing TVs and computer software
  • Staff or third-party with knowledge of managing software and content


  • TVs
  • Software to manage content shown on TVs
    • PowerPoint or similar software


  • Start up: Approximately $1500 to purchase and install each flat screen.
  • Ongoing: Utility costs to turn it on during the day.
  • Sources of funding:  Charitable donations were used to purchase the TVs.

Implementation Process

  • Flat screens with PowerPoint's of individuals at their jobs in the community are placed in the front reception area and lunchrooms of both of ODC’s facilities.
  • The marketing of hiring individuals who are qualified, dependable, and capable is difficult without taking people "on tour" at every site in the community.
  • Every person walking through ODC’s doors, using the lunchroom, or purchasing from the kitchens is made aware that ODC promotes, develops, and supports individuals in community employment. ODC is making it known it has great employees for area businesses to hire.
  • Internally, the celebration and "making an individual a celebrity" promotes interest, curiosity, and the desire to look at and hopefully try to find employment in the community.


  • Individual:  Generates interest in trying community employment
  • Organization:
    • Generates awareness by potential employers of ODC as a resource for potential employees with disabilities
    •  Generates greater awareness of ODC’s community employment programs

Location: Wisconsin Rapids, WI
Date Submitted: 2012

Resources: Quality Work Environment Workbook