Job Clubs

QWE Practice Guideline: 110: Design and implement a range of training programs to improve productivity and enhance wages

Target group: Any organization supporting or employing individuals with disabilities

Practice Description

Develop job clubs to train and assist individuals with various aspects of employment.

Resources Needed

Subject matter experts/trainers

  • Staff or consultant with knowledge of employment needs and issues related to disability employment


  • Grants and state vocational rehabilitation funding

Implementation Process


  • Job Clubs are conducted on a weekly basis and are led by job coaches
  • Training topics include
    • Hard and soft skills
    • Transportation
    • Attendance
    • Coping with job stress
    • Understanding what to expect in the workplace
    • How to call in to work
    • Meeting with your manager
    • Business relationships
    • Conflict resolution and de-escalation
  • Curriculum is based on the Imagination Station model and is tailored to the level of each individual


  • SOPs
    • Policies and procedures for operating the job clubs
  • Training
    • Staff and job coach training to operate job clubs


  • Participants received paid internship opportunities and competitive employment opportunities

NPA: ServiceSource
Location: Alexandria, VA
Date Submitted: 2011

Resources: Quality Work Environment Workbook