Integrated Employment Partnership

QWE Practice Guideline: 300: Collaborate and link with community resources

Target group: Any organization employing or supporting individuals with disabilities

Practice Description

Individuals with disabilities were included in the strategic planning process.

Resources Needed

Subject matter experts/trainers

  • Staff to build partnerships with local organizations


  • Materials that may be used at work site and can be used for pre-training

Labor hours

  • Time for staff to scout and build relationships with local organizations
  • Time for pre-training by staff for individuals with disabilities interested in employment
  • Time for on-the-job support by staff for individuals with disabilities that obtain employment

Implementation Process


  • Witco developed a partnership with a local school district, working with the Supervisor of the Food Service Department
  • When the school district has employment opportunities available, it contacts Witco
  • Employment opportunities must be competitive and integrated
  • Witco provides pre-employment and on-the-job support for individuals with disabilities that are interested in working for the school district
  • Pre-employment services include, but are not limited to
    • Soft skills training
    • Resume creation
    • Interview preparedness
  • On-the-Job support includes, but is not limited to
    • Orienting to your new job
    • Building professional relationships
    • Time management
    • Understanding your tasks


  • SOPs
    • Processes and procedures for connecting with local organizations and securing a partnership agreement
    • Processes and procedures for pre-training and on-the-job support


  • Initially resulted in 17 individuals obtaining employment
  • Presentation of the program at a statewide meeting helped promote expansion of the program to additional school districts within the state

NPA: Witco
Location: Caldwell, ID
Date Submitted: 2013

Resources: Quality Work Environment Workbook