Flexible Work Options

QWE Practice Guideline: 151: Provide flexible work options

Target group: All organizations that employ persons with disabilities

Practice Description

WSC makes every effort to constantly review and implement a variety of strategic initiatives to help employees balance their work and home life.

Resources Needed

  • Subject matter experts/trainers
    • Ensure HR and management understand the policies and how to implement them
  • Van was purchased to aid transportation needs

Implementation Process


  • Offer flexible work options to accommodate family, educational, programmatic, and transportation needs.
  • Flexible options include:
    • Shift changes
    • Hours that accommodate daycare centers
    • Abbreviated schedules
    • Job sharing
    • Job carving
    • Time off per programmatic needs 
      • Parole appointments
      • Parenting classes
      • Medical appointments
      • Interviews
    • Timing with public transportation
    • Timing with training and therapy needs
  • Managers and supervisors regularly counsel staff on how to problem solve and overcome personal struggles.
  • The benefit was established to support the balance of personal and professional needs.


  • Note policies and procedures for flexible work options


  • Individual: Improved morale, increasing productivity, reduced absenteeism, opportunity to better understand and implement appropriate worker traits, self-reported sense of pride, facilitating stronger team relationships
  • Organizational: Increased productivity, improved quality, more cohesive and stable workforce, ability to prepare individuals better for external employment

NPA: Work Skills Corporation
Location: Brighton, MI
Date Submitted: 2013
Website: https://www.wskills.com/

Resources: Quality Work Environment Workbook