Employee Feedback

QWE Practice Guideline: 440: Demonstrate the value of employees with disabilities

Target group: All organizations that employ persons with disabilities

Practice Description

Recognizing the importance of consumer participation, Beacon Group provides numerous ways for persons served to provide input so that it may be reviewed and considered in ongoing efforts to improve services. Beacon Group understands that it is a critical and essential practice to not only obtain such feedback, but to incorporate it in the design of programs and services and in making prudent business decisions.

Resources Needed

Staff time

  • Holding meetings
  • Reviewing suggestions
  • Reviewing questionnaires
  • Sending responses


  • Suggestion boxes and easily accessible places to host them
  • Meeting space

Implementation Process

Feedback opportunities

  • Suggestion boxes have been made available throughout the organization.
  • Monthly meetings between persons served and management staff.
  • Follow-up letters that are mailed to each person served three months after discharge from the program or after transfer from one program to another.
  • Follow-up letters that are mailed to each person served six months after successful job placement.
  • Consumer satisfaction questionnaires that are completed by each person served at their annual individual support planning (ISP) meeting and at their semi-annual ISP staffing review.


  • Beacon Group has been acknowledged in past CARF surveys for exemplary practice with respect to receiving input from persons served.

NPA: Beacon Group
Location: Tucson, AZ
Date Submitted: 2011
Website: https://www.beacongroup.org/

Resources: Quality Work Environment Workbook