Electronic Communications System

QWE Practice Guideline: 441 – Promote inclusion through communication

Target group: Any organization supporting and/or employing individuals with disabilities

Practice Description

Use visual communication boards in lobbies to ensure staff have access to all important company information.

Resources Needed

Subject matter experts/trainers

  • Staff or consultant to set up communication boards, install software, and provided training on use of system


  • Communication boards
  • Software

Labor hours

  • Staff time for training on use of system and to keep system updated

Implementation Process


  • Research communication board options and assess how many will be needed to ensure communications reach all staff
  • Have communication boards installed and staff trained on how to use the boards
  • Update boards on a regular schedule to ensure timely and consistent dissemination of company information to all staff
  • Communications can include the following:
    • Reminders
    • Training announcements
    • Health and wellness information
    • Employee recognitions
    • Company culture statements


  • SOPs
    • Policies and procedures for use of communication boards
      • What can be shared
      • How often to update
  • Training
    • How staff use the communication boards and update them


  • Improve company morale

NPA: Tresco
Location: Las Cruces, NM
Date Submitted: 2011
Website: http://www.trescoinc.org/

Resources: Quality Work Environment Workbook