Diversity and Inclusion Newsletter

QWE Practice Guideline: 443 – Implement practices that encourage organizational inclusion

Target group: Any organization employing and/or supporting individuals with disabilities

Practice Description

A monthly newsletter covering a variety of diversity and inclusion topics to provide staff awareness and education

Resources Needed

Subject matter experts/trainers

  • Staff with diversity and inclusion knowledge as well as marketing experience


  • Computers and associated software

Labor hours

  • Staff time

Implementation Process


  • At the beginning of each year a calendar of topics is created and includes
    • Theme topic
    • Holidays, days of remembrance, and days of celebration
    • Company activities to highlight
    • Council member introductions
  • A template for the newsletter was created and can be adjusted as needed
  • The Communications Sub-Committee for the Diversity and Inclusion Council oversees developing and publishing the newsletter
  • A request for content is sent out to the whole Diversity and Inclusion Council
    • A list of topics to sign up for along with a submit date is included
  • Once content is received and placed in the newsletter template, a draft is sent to the council for final approval
  • The draft is then sent to the marketing department for approval and publishing
  • The newsletter is published via an email to all staff
  • All newsletters are archived on the councils internal website


  • SOPs
    • Policies and procedures for newsletter content and formatting
  • Training
    • Ensure knowledge of using the template, picture use, accessibility requirements, and publishing


  • Individuals
    • Increased feeling of belonging and inclusion
  • Organization
    • Increased staff engagement

NPA: SourceAmerica
Location: Vienna, VA
Date Submitted: 2022
Website: https://www.sourceamerica.org/

Resources: Quality Work Environment Workbook