Diversity and Inclusion Book Club

QWE Practice Guideline: 443 – Implement practices that encourage organizational inclusion

Target group: Any organization employing and/or supporting individuals with disabilities

Practice Description

A book club focused on growing staff perspectives around diversity and inclusion

Resources Needed

Subject matter experts/trainers

  • Staff with diversity and inclusion knowledge as well as meeting facilitation


  • Computers and associated software
  • Books for each participant

Labor hours

  • Staff time

Implementation Process


  • A Book Club sub-committee was created as part of the Diversity and Inclusion Council
  • The committee worked with Human Resources to have the book cost covered and determine purchasing options
  • The committee chose a starter book and invited attendees to join the book club
  • An introduction letter was sent to each person that signed up
    • Instructions on how to order a book
    • Options for book format (ebook, paperback, audio)
    • Information on when to attend and what to expect
  • Reminders for the book club, including the date and current book, are included in the Diversity and Inclusion Newsletter
  • Reminder emails are also sent 1 week prior to those that signed up
    • This email includes a list of questions that will be used during the meeting to guide discussion about the book
  • After the first meeting, attendees were asked for book recommendations
    • Recommendations were listed and sent to attendees for ranking
    • Ranking determined the order the books are read in
  • The book club meets quarterly, reading 4 books a year
  • Book club meetings utilize the prepared questions to guide discussion, but is flexible to other topics and questions that spark discussion


  • SOPs
    • Policies and procedures for implementing and managing the book club
  • Training
    • Ensure sub-committee lead understands book club policies and procedures


  • Individuals
    • Increased feeling of belonging and inclusion
    • Growth of perspectives around diversity and inclusion
    • Increased empathy and understanding for various challenges and opportunities linked to diversity and inclusion
  • Organization
    • Increased staff engagement, increased staff collaboration

NPA: SourceAmerica
Location: Vienna, VA
Date Submitted: 2022
Website: https://www.sourceamerica.org/

Resources: Quality Work Environment Workbook