Community College - Training Collaboration

QWE Practice Guideline: 311 – Develop relationships with local organizations and the business community to provide opportunities for enhancing skills development and employment

Target group: Any organization the employees and/or supports individuals with disabilities

Practice Description

Training is offered through a local community college to provide a variety of skills needed for successful employment.

Resources Needed

Subject matter experts/trainers

  • Staff with networking knowledge and experience to build connections with local community colleges and high schools

Labor hours

  • Potentially time may be needed for staff to attend classes and/or practice what they have learned in the workplace



  • Build a collaboration with a local community college
  • Establish the types of skills training that is needed
    • Basic academic skills: reading, writing, math
    • Soft skills: communication, networking, interviewing, teamwork
    • Financial management
  • Training also prepares individuals for employment and functioning within an integrated setting
  • Participation on the local high school committee helps bring in students as they transition from high school to employment
    • Provides employers a chance to meet and interact with individuals in advance of employment
    • Parents/guardians are informed of higher education opportunities and benefits
    • Employment opportunities are shared
  • Individuals attend classes based on their need and interest
  • Based on scheduling needs, individuals can attend classes during the day or evening


  • SOPs
    • Policies and procedures for the implementation and management of the program


  • Increase in competitive integrated employment
  • Increase in employee productivity

NPA: Coastal Enterprises, Inc.
Location: Brunswick, ME
Date Submitted: 2013

Resources: Quality Work Environment Workbook