Centralized Accommodation Practice

QWE Practice Guideline: 162 – Design specialized tools and techniques ranging from high-tech solutions to simple, low-cost adaptations that assist the individual employee with a disability

Target group: Any organization employing and/or supporting individuals with disabilities, looking to provide proper accommodations for employment success.

Practice Summary

The Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Inclusion (EARN) have outlined the importance, purpose, and considerations an organization should keep in mind for developing an in-house centralized accommodation practice (a consolidation of subject-matter experts focused on assessing, evaluating, and selecting effective as well as meaningful accommodations.)

Practice Implementation

  • Begin the creation of a Centralized Accommodation Practice (CAP) by developing the company's purpose and scope for the CAP
    • EARN notes the purpose of a CAP to be the consolidation of subject-matter experts focused on assessing, evaluating, and selecting effective as well as meaningful accommodations.
    • A purpose can also include the oversight of funding options for accommodations or be the main focus. Funding needs and processes should be fully clarified to ensure the CAP remains streamlined and effective.
  • Once the purpose and scope are established, an organization needs to, at a minimum, consider and define the following:
    • Placement and Staffing
      • Where will the CAP exist in the organizational structure of the business?
      • Are there qualified and properly trained staff available to develop, implement, and manage the CAP?
    • Limitations
      • What level of funding can the organization provide for a CAP?
      • Should any thresholds or policies be put in place?
    • Budgeting
      • How will the organization manage funding for accommodations?
    • Communication and Training
      • How will the CAP be communicated to various stakeholders?
      • How will training be completed?
      • What communication strategies should be considered?
    • Procurement
      • What inventory is available for accommodations?
      • How will accommodations be procured?
    • Accountability and Tracking
      • How will accommodations requests and fulfillments be tracked?
      • How will collected data be analyzed?
  • The CAP can be implemented and managed once the above decisions are made. Initial training to all stakeholders should also be conducted immediately.
  • Visit the AskEarn Centralized Accommodation Practice for further information on the creation of a CAP


  • Establishing a centralized accommodation practice offers a variety of benefits to employees, including consistent, streamlined, legal, and cost-effective accommodation request responses.
  • Organizations will also benefit from the creation of a culture of support, that ensures employees ask for what they need.

NPA: Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Inclusion
Location: Ithaca, NY
Date Submitted: 2022
Website: https://askearn.org/

Resources: Quality Work Environment Workbook