Barrier Removal Fund

QWE Practice Guideline: 110: Design and implement a range of training programs to improve productivity, enhance wages, and optimize job success

Target group: Any organization supporting the employment of individuals with disabilities

Practice Description

ServiceSource created a Barrier Removal Fund (BRF) to assist individuals with disabilities who receive services. The BRF ensures any obstacles that could prevent individuals from starting or maintaining work are removed, or that any support needed to help an individual advance within a current position is provided.

Resources Needed

Subject matter experts/trainers

  • Staff with knowledge to assess, research, and move barriers

Implementation Process

  • Requests to the Barrier Removal Funds are made when no public support dollars are available to otherwise assist the individual.
  • The BRF provides a “last chance” option to remove an employment barrier.
  • Examples include assisting individuals in obtaining work-related items such as:
    • uniforms or safety shoes
    • filling transportation needs
    • providing temporary childcare
    • making payments for employment tests, drug tests or driving records 
  • Staff members submit the written BRF request form on behalf of individuals with disabilities, based on individual case circumstances.
  • The process is straightforward and merely requires justification of the need for the funding.
  • Funds up to $1,000 are available to any one person annually.

NPA: ServiceSource
Location: Alexandria, VA
Date Submitted: 2011

Resources: Quality Work Environment Workbook