Applicant Recruitment Team

QWE Practice Guideline: 322: Interview and pre-qualify individuals who are blind or have a disability to build and sustain direct and indirect labor talent pools for when positions become available

Target group: Any organization employing or supporting individuals with disabilities

Practice Description

Recruitment team dedicated to maintaining an active queue of applicants

Resources Needed

Subject matter experts/trainers

  • Staff trained in recruitment techniques, AbilityOne program, and Veteran employment


  • Applicant and recruitment tracking system
  • Space and materials for hosting job fairs

Labor hours

  • Time for staff to develop recruitment and community partnerships
  • Time for staff to assess applicant potential


  • Budget for recruitment staff and related activities

Implementation Process


  • A recruitment department was developed to dedicate time actively seeking individuals from the community for AbilityOne program positions
  • The recruitment department networks with local resources, including
    • State Vocational Rehabilitation agency
    • Local school districts
    • Transitional counselors
    • Special education agencies
    • Mental health clinics
    • Disability organizations
  • Specific attention is given to connecting with the local Veteran’s Affairs department
  • The recruitment department hosts on-site job fairs and attends external job fairs
  • Potential applicants are interviewed for eligibility by both the recruitment department and compliance department
    • Individuals can apply any time
    • A queue of approved applicants is maintained so positions can be filled as they become available


  • Individuals
    • Applicants benefit from being considered for employment even if a position is not yet available
  • Organization
    • Access to a pool of pre-qualified applicants
    • Organization has capacity for new projects and filling vacancies

NPA: Ready One Industries
Location: El Paso, TX
Date Submitted: 2015

Resources: Quality Work Environment Workbook