Accessibility Plan

QWE Practice Guideline: 410 – Incorporate universal design principles into the physical plant

Target group: Any organization supporting and/or employing individuals with disabilities

Practice Description

Removal of barriers that limit access to programs and services

Resources Needed

Subject matter experts/trainers

  • Staff or consultant with knowledge of disability barriers, limitations, and accessibility
  • Staff or consultant with experience conducting accessibility assessments


  • Any materials needed to conduct accessibility assessments

Labor hours

  • Staff time for assessments



  • Each year, an accessibility assessment is conducted to identify barriers related to the following:
    • Attitudinal
    • Architectural
    • Employment
    • Transportation
    • Communication
    • Environmental
    • Financial
    • Anything specific identified by individuals receiving services, staff, and other stakeholders
  • The assessment results are analyzed and an Accessibility Plan is created
    • Outlines the actions to be implemented to remove barriers, make programs accessible,
    • A schedule and timeline are also created to hold the organization accountable for the success of the plan
    • The plan is reviewed each year by senior management and the Board of Directors
    • Each quarter a status report is reviewed to ensure continued conformance with the plan


  • SOPs
    • Policies and procedures for
      • Conducting the assessment
      • Creating the accessibility plan
      • Monitoring and reporting on the plan
  • Training
    • Initial training on how to conduct the assessment and create the accessibility plan
    • Continued training to ensure monitoring and reporting are done as required
    • Training for senior managers and Board of Directors to ensure understanding of assessment and accessibility plan


  • Increased participation by staff and individuals served through programs
  • Increased connection with local community
  • Use of systematic approach to quality management of programs and services
  • Implementation of non-discriminatory practices

NPA: Beacon Group
Location: Tucson, AZ
Date Submitted: 2012

Resources: Quality Work Environment Workbook