Accessibility and Retaining Employees with Disabilities

QWE Practice Guideline: 131 – Research, design, implement, and simplify organizational processes using assistive technology

Target group: Any employer supporting employees with disabilities and seeking to increase the retention of said employees.

Practice Summary

The team offers recommendations that employers can use to create a work environment that accommodates employees with disabilities and improves the retention of those employees.

Practice Implementation

  • The following are summaries of the recommendations offers, but a full overview of the recommendations can be obtained at - Tips for Retaining Employees with Disabilities
    • Onboarding promises: accommodations that are discussed and offered during the hiring and onboarding process need to be upheld so employees can be successful at their work tasks
    • Resource groups: an employee resource group that is disability-focused can help an employer understand the best ways to accommodate its employees with disabilities. Employees with invisible disabilities may also feel more comfortable sharing.
    • Networking opportunities: accessibility needs to extend beyond the workplace to networking activities employees may attend outside of the workplace. Employers need to consider mobility needs, transportation challenges, cultural views, and so on.
    • Listen: employers should develop a company culture that allows employees to share ideas and voice concerns, while also ensuring employees see action steps taken to implement their ideas or address those concerns
    • Environment: employers can use assistive technology to create an environment that everyone can participate in, which will allow employees to interact more fully with each other and their customers
    • Track retention: by tracking retention efforts, an employer can make better decisions around what is and is not working. Exit interviews can also become more meaningful.


  • Employers that use retention recommendations like those shared by can decrease the costs associated with employee turnover, which can average 6-9 months of an employees salary. Employers are also likely to experience an increase in employee morale and customer satisfaction.

Location: Miami, FL
Date Submitted: 2022

Resources: Quality Work Environment Workbook