ABLE Accounts

QWE Practice Guideline: 453 – Offer long term financial planning services or access to services (403B, ABLE, 401K, IRA)

Target group: Any organization supporting and/or employing individuals with disabilities

Practice Description

  • Provide education and linkages to resources regarding the use of ABLE savings accounts to employees with disabilities.
  • ABLE Accounts, are tax-advantaged savings accounts for individuals with disabilities and their families. These accounts were created as a result of the passage of the Stephen Beck Jr. Achieving a Better Life Experience Act of 2014 or better known as the ABLE Act.
  • Eligible individuals and their families are allowed to establish ABLE savings accounts that will largely do not affect their eligibility for SSI, Medicaid and means-tested programs such as FAFSA, HUD and SNAP/food stamp benefits.
  • The ABLE Act limits eligibility to individuals with disabilities with an age of onset of disability before turning 26 years of age. If an individual meets this age requirement and is also receiving benefits under SSI and/or SSDI, they are automatically eligible to establish an ABLE account.

Resources Needed

Subject matter experts/trainers

  • Staff with knowledge of ABLE account usage

Labor hours

  • Time for staff to educate employees

Implementation Process

  • Through their website the ABLE National Resources Center provides free, in-depth informational resources regarding ABLE accounts including:
    • The History of ABLE Accounts
    • What is ABLE?
    • ABLE Enrollment and Eligibility
    • Use of ABLE Funds
    • ABLE Account Management
    • Federal Guidance
  • These no cost resources may be used by NPA staff, persons with disabilities, families, and caregivers to navigate the usage of ABLE accounts.


NPA: ABLE National Resource Center
Location: Washington, DC
Date Submitted: Practice submitted in partnership with the ABLE National Resource Center

Resources: Quality Work Environment Workbook