Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE) Toolkit for Post-School Transition

QWE Practice Guideline: 121 – Progressive: Utilize a quality framework that covers leadership/governance, strategic planning, legal/risk-management, safety, health, human resources, operations, etc.

Target group: Organizations employing and/or supporting individuals with disabilities

Practice Summary

The National Technical Assistance Center on Transition (NTACT) provides a toolkit for improving the post-school employment outcomes for students with disabilities. The toolkit offers a step-by-step guide to begin or enhance school-to-work transition services.

Practice Implementation

  • To access the various resources in the toolkit and other helpful information, users can create a login at The following provides readers a summary of the NTACT toolkit features
    • The toolkit is comprised of 4 sections: CIE Overview, Transition Services, Interagency Collaboration, and Professional Development.
    • Each section includes an “At a Glance” discussion on how to use that section, provides a variety of research and resources relevant to that section, offers tools associated with that section, then shares implications for users to consider
      • Section 1: CIE Overview
        • Understand CIE and its relationship to The Rehabilitation Act and the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
        • Understand the importance of preparing students for their transition from high school to employment
      • Section 2: Transition Services
        • Understand the different services students have access to, the skills required, and available resources
        • Highlights the ways students can explore post-secondary education options, including employment
          • Job exploration counseling
          • Work based learning
          • Continued education programs
          • Workplace readiness training
          • Instruction in self-advocacy
        • Reviews the effectiveness of these options
      • Section 3: Interagency Collaboration
        • Understand the importance of collaborating with other professionals and the types of partnerships organizations and students can establish, including
          • State agencies
          • Community agencies
          • Schools
          • Other student groups
        • Access models of effective collaborations and how to create these types of connections
      • Section 4: Professional Development
        • Training and skills necessary for those supporting transitioning students
          • Principles and basic concepts of transition education and service
          • Knowledge of models of transition education and service
          • Skills in using strategies for developing, organizing, and implementing transition education and competencies
          • Knowledge and use of collaborative competencies
          • Knowledge and skills to address systemic problems in transition services delivery
        • Access to related resources
    • The full toolkit and additional instructions can be accessed here


  • Implementing the strategies of this practice can lead to developing staff knowledge of competitive integrated employment, community resources, local school systems, and local vocational rehabilitation and disability agencies. It can also lead to improved employment opportunities and outcomes.

NPA: National Technical Assistance Center on Transition
Location: Charlotte, NC
Date Submitted: 2022

Resources: Quality Work Environment Workbook